
Thirty-four-year old Miroslav Konderla draws pictures for fun

He draws pictures beautifully and because he draws mainly cars, it wasn’t just a coincidence that his pieces will show up also in the book about Barum Rally. Of course we believe that he will be very happy about it. Mostly we hope it will be for the joy of all car lovers. For the joy of all, who doesn’t live selfish and shallow lives limited by a treatment of their own complexes.

Mirek was born a healthy child. His condition has dramatically worsened during pubescence. He got high fevers, he had to be hospitalized several times in hospitals and despite all medical support he remained left with consequences in terms of permanently damaged health. Also this was the reason for him to attend to secondary school specialized in disabled students. He got all understanding and appropriate approach there. Mirek got apprenticeship in culinary works. Today he is in disability pension daily visiting social welfare institution, where he is in a group of similar clients. He enjoys going there having an agenda and mainly - he can draw pictures there. And what did Mirek say about himself? “I live in Oldrichovice. I’m visiting the Centre of Social Assistance Trinec on a daily basis, Day Care Centre Radost, where I actively spent my free time there. Among my hobbies belong mainly drawing and pencilling pictures. I like cars and other means of transport the most. I enjoy this hobby since fifth grade, but I didn’t like the school subject as much, so I started to create my own imagination about what would I like to draw. Today you can see the result. I don’t have a driving licence. I can at least feel like a driver when drawing cars or when playing computer car games. I’m interested in events in our country and also in the world. I’m religious and do visit Youth Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession. Among my other interests belong cycling, trips and folding plastic airplanes. My dream is to travel abroad; visit England and watch air show. I would also like to go to a beach and see for myself how salty the seawater is.

Drawings of Miroslav Konderla in Yellow-Blue Rally book will accompany stories about for instance Vaclav Blahna, Zdenek Ponc, Jaroslav Rajchman and Josef Sivik. I have almost forgot; our team is another in the line who is really pleased by this idea to share Mirek’s pieces with the public.

Dan Porazil, author


Our books help children

Thanks to the sale of the Rally is Named Bohemia book and with the support of our partners one multifunctional and one infant’s bed has been purchased for the ICU unit in the Mlada Boleslav hospital. The book also contained the Spectators’ Safety Manual.

The book project of Barum Rally is slightly different than the concept in 2013, but children will make a profit from this book regardless.  To be more precise the little patients from the children’s department of Klaudyan’s Hospital. Our plan is to take a part of gain from each book resulting in the purchase of infusion pump with medicine dosing device, some beddings and clothes for the smallest ones in the price of 60,000 CZK in total.

The term for handing the gift is not yet exactly dated. It surely depends on the success of this new book, which will reach its readers at the end of August the following year.

Dan Porazil, author



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