
limited edition:


Yellow-Blue Rally - Frequently Asked Questions

(28. 3. 2017)
Since January of this year the fans of automobile competitions can order limited and standard edition of the book about the history of Barum Czech Rally Zlin under favourable conditions. A few months before the release both orders and queries directed to...

Since January of this year the fans of automobile competitions can order limited and standard edition of the book about the history of Barum Czech Rally Zlin under favourable conditions. A few months before the release both orders and queries directed to the comprehensive publication are increasing. And what are people interested in book asking about?

Photo: foto: Dan Porazil

1. Which Barum winners were asked to sign the limited edition? What criteria applied for the selection?

Let’s be benevolent and call the first year of Barum Rally a full volume of thirty-six years long history, which we really should. We could count 28 drivers in total, who had written their names among the winners of Moravian competition. Regarding the fact that Atilla Ferjancz, Janusz Kulig, Mikael Sundström and Gerhard Kalnay are unfortunately no longer among living, there is obviously no way of getting complete set of signatures. Another criterions were next to good and no will to cooperate also age, health condition and even geographic accessibility. The basic premise was quite easy - to gain as many signatures as possible, not to leave an empty sign-card in the limited edition. Selected and up to this day also signed winners represent 20 victorious years in total, which is considered by realization team of Yellow-Blue Rally to be a quality result.

2. Is it possible to extend the book by more signatures?

In theory yes, but it’s not a plan. Thanks to book binding it’s not possible to insert a single page. It has to be four. Moreover, we would break the chronological and factual sequence of sign-cards.

3. Do both versions of the book have really over 600 pages?

Yes, they do. The limited edition will be represented by 628, the standard one by 608 pages of coated paper in A4 sheets. It is possible that some minor changes might take place in terms of a few pages, however the range won’t drop under 600.

4. Is this book an official material of Barum Czech Rally Zlin?

No, it’s not. However, the organizer has been informed and if all goes well and they agree, the book will be enriched by some photographs from the archive of the competition.

BR_79_KF_003 web
Foto: Květoslav Frgal, Barum Rally 1979 - Fabrizia Pons

5. What is the advantage of pre-order?

Who will order and pay till 1st August the price will be without packaging and postage, which represents the saving in amount of 165 CZK. We came to this conclusion based on comments of signing winners forecasting that the print out of 2,000 pieces will go fast, much less 600 pieces of the limited edition. This is especially an opportunity for collectors to get the book in time, making sure there will be enough for them.

6. Is it true that from every print a part of gain will be donated to children’s charity?

Yes, that is correct. Similar to book called Rally is Named Bohemia, where the multifunctional bed has been purchased for the children’s ICU unit, now from the sale of Yelow-Blue Rally an infusion pump with medicine dispenser will be purchased as well as some other useful things in the price of cca 60,000 CZK.

7. When and where will be the book launch?

Term and place are still in question.

The Yellow-Blue Rally book can still be pre-ordered at www.peopleforrally.cz or on Facebook at @yellowbluerally, including its limited edition signed by nine winners of Barum Rally.

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