
limited edition:


Antonin Bahensky? That is Czech Martin Holmes!

(26. 2. 2017)
The name of Antonin Bahensky is well-known to all automobile competition experts from the Central Europe. Since the times, when vast majority of Czechoslovak magazines were using his photographs and almost every poster of automobile competition carried the signature of Bahensky...

The name of Antonin Bahensky is well-known to all automobile competition experts from the Central Europe. Since the times, when vast majority of Czechoslovak magazines were using his photographs and almost every poster of automobile competition carried the signature of Bahensky, some time has passed, but the quality remains.

Photo: Antonín Bahenský, Barum 1986, Kvaizar - Janeček, Škoda 130 LR

Thanks to Mr. Jiri Jermakov, also well-known photographer, and his arranged meeting with the son of great photographer you can find in Yellow-Blue Rally to date not yet published pictures from Mr. Bahensky. “My father was taking pictures in those times when most of photographers didn’t have archives or electronic databases. Whoever wanted his picture received the negative which has never been returned. This is the reason for this archive, if I can call it this way, isn’t really big today. But we are happy we could find something and support this project,” explained Bahensky junior.

Photo: Jiří Maršíček, Antonín Bahenský right, Hana Kyjánková in the middle

Besides the author also Mr. Jermakov was really happy: “Couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to visit the photographs exhibition of Antonin Bahensky along with his commentary. He was taking pictures not only from rally and circuits, but also football and hockey. I remember one think from his narrative; it is important to keep self away from the event you are taking pictures of. So, it often happened to him that after two-hours of photographing a hockey match he had to ask other spectators about the score,” smiled the author of known photographs of Audi Quattro prototype with engine in the centre.

The Yellow-Blue Rally can still be pre-ordered at www.peopleforrally.cz or on Facebook at @yellowbluerally. Its Limited Edition signed by nine winners of Barum Rally is also available. All orders placed before 1st August 2017 will be for the price without packaging and postage.

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