
limited edition:


There are 400 pieces remaining of Yellow-Blue Rally Limited Edition

(15. 2. 2017)
The Limited Edition of comprehensive book about the biggest competition in the Czech Republic, the Barum Czech Rally Zlin, has been signed by nine of its winners. After one month sale, it still can be pre-ordered...

The Limited Edition of comprehensive book about the biggest competition in the Czech Republic, the Barum Czech Rally Zlin, has been signed by nine of its winners. Namely it was John Haugland, Jiri Sedivy, M.Sc., Vaclav Blahna, Harald Demuth, Raimund Baumschlager, Roman Kresta, Vaclav Pech jun., Jan Kopecky and Franz Wittmann sr. After one month sale, it still can be pre-ordered. Although the chronicle of Barum Rally will be released in August, many fans have already pre-ordered it.

Photo: Jiri Fryje

Our order system has registered interests from the Czech, Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia and Germany. Also, interesting questions keep on coming related to winners, the content of the book and so on. The fans will surely appreciate the fact, that among others their photographs were provided also by Martin Holmes and recently by Antonin Bahensky. There can also be found a number of remarkable stories told by Ms. Trinkewitz, gentlemen Halada, Blahna, Holub, Mach, Ponc, Demuth, Schovanek, Jermakov, Honkanen, Sivik, Rajchman, Doc. Cuba, Josef Kopecky and the last but not least Janusz Kulig.

The deal still stands that orders placed before 1st August 2017 will be sent excluding postage and packaging costs.

You can reach our order system on the website www.peopleforrally.cz and Facebook @yellowbluerally. The recent information about the whole project is continuously updated.

Order system

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