Franz Wittmann and Yellow-Blue Rally? Yes!
 (26. 1. 2017) The signing marathon of Barum Rally champions in November last year has been finished by Raimund Baumschlager, figuratively closing the door of the printing office. Ordinary, by painstaking work fulfilled times was supposed to take place for the book authors preparing the whole book to be released.
The signing marathon of Barum Rally champions in November last year has been finished by Raimund Baumschlager, figuratively closing the door of the printing office. Ordinary, by painstaking work fulfilled times was supposed to take place for the book authors preparing the whole book to be released. The original plans embraced also thanks to the misfortune though…
 photo: Miroslav Polach
A long time before the idea of Barum Rally book I was thinking a lot about having the signature from the winner 1988 and 1989, Franz Wittmann from Austria, in the limited edition. Multiple winner of his country and also world winner from Rally New Zealand 1987 took his time to respond to my emails, but the signature giving didn’t take place yet. Up till today.
 photo: Bořivoj Chaloupka
To the joy of all rally fans and future readers the limited edition of Yellow-Blue Rally has reached in total 9 signing Barum Rally winners, who all together represent 20, meaning almost a half, of victorious anniversaries! „I still have a plenty of fans in your country, so I’m glad I could sign this soon-to-be-born book as well. The idea of helping children is just great,” said after a hard signing shift Franz Wittmann, accompanied by his son, Franz.
Author: Dan Porazil
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