
limited edition:


We should scan it instead, right?

(23. 11. 2016)
On the 23rd November 2016, the eyes of both signing men and winners of Barum Rally looking at the pile went doubtful. “We should scan it instead, right?” Jiri Sedivy, M.Sc. And Vaclav Blahna tried me almost the cute way.

There are 600 sheets of A2 format lying on the palette making the pile of some ten centimetres high. On the 23rd November 2016, the eyes of both signing men and winners of Barum Rally looking at the pile went doubtful. “We should scan it instead, right?” they both tried me almost the cute way. Jiri Sedivy, M.Sc. and Vaclav Blahna handled their signing part brilliantly and without a scanner.

Jiří Šedivý M.Sc.

Václav Blahna

With a smile and memories. They were glad that after a very long time they met each other again and their stories from far history were really interesting and exciting. The memories went for Colin McRae, Rally Vltava, Acropolis, also many names such as Hubacek, Kvaizar, Schwarz and Zapadlo were mentioned; simply put it was enough materials for another book.

Author: Daniel Porazil

Another link: Photo gallery

Location: News


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