
limited edition:


The train has left the station!

(18. 11. 2016)
It has begun on Friday 18th November 2016, nine fifteen in the morning. Right at that moment in UNIPRESS printing office in Turnov, Roman Kresta took the blue marker pen and started to sign the sign-cards dedicated for the limited edition of the Barum Rally book.

It has begun on Friday 18th November 2016, nine fifteen in the morning. Right at that moment in UNIPRESS printing office in Turnov, Roman Kresta took the blue marker pen and started to sign the sign-cards dedicated for the limited edition of the Barum Rally book.

Roman Kresta

Only a bit later another winner of Moravian competition arrived, Mr. Harald Demuth from Germany. He also received a pen, short look at the pile of papers caused him to panic a little, but then started to sign his cards.

Harald Demuth

Both pairs of eyes looked up when at the door step appeared John Haugland from Norway with his wife Julia, Monica Eckardt Ziebegk from Germany and gentlemen Arlid Antonsen from Norway and Jan Olof Bohlin from Sweden.

John Haugland

And signing was over. All the champions simply had a lot to say to each other. At half past ten the five-times-winner of Barum Rally, Jan Kopecky, has arrived.

Jan Kopecký

A few minutes later in this very nice atmosphere something beautiful started, what won’t never happen again. All dear guests got to work. Ms. Monica was handing the sign cards to Honza, Jan-Olof to Johnny, the manager of printing office, Mr. Svoboda, was helping Roman, around Harald Demuth was spinning the Skoda‘s nestor, Jaroslav Mansfeld. The signatures were flying all around, there were discussions about the history, the new book and also future. IT all was supervised by Arlid Antonsen and Ms. Julia.

from left: Harald Demuth, Jiří Fryje, Jaroslav Mansfeld, Monica Eckard, Jan-Olof Bohlin, Arlid Antonsen, Dan Porazil, Roman Kresta, sitting Jan Kopecký and John Haugland

We have started after nine o’clock and at half past one we were left alone. The train has left the station and it can’t be stopped now. Four out of eight winners has already signed hundreds of cards from the limited edition of the book. There are four stars left. One thing is certain, if you are interested in limited edition of this book, then you should know that every single sheet went under the hands of codrivers of legendary Johnny Haugland - for you only Monica Eckardt Ziebegk, Arlid Antonsen and Jan Olof Bohlin were handing and turning the pages for the stars of history and today. I strongly believe this wonderful atmosphere can be felt from the pictures of Jiri Fryje. I think it can.

Author: Daniel Porazil
Photo: Jiří Fryje - photo of group Lída P.

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